In case you needed a good reason to renovate your basement, well, now you have it! Enbridge Gas is offering rebates on energy-efficient upgrades, where you can receive cash back on your renovation project. This Home Energy Rebate (HER) incentive is a win-win situation. Here’s how.
- By opting for energy-efficient renovations, you’re positively contributing to the environment. Enbridge’s objective here is to reduce our ecological footprint on the planet, and homeowners can now be an instrumental factor in the movement towards a greener Earth.
- Your renovation rebates can amount up to $5,000 depending on the number of upgrades you do. The more upgrades you get, the higher the rebate is.
What Does the Rebates Program Apply to?
What Are the Conditions?
You Must Have an Initial Assessment with A Registered Energy Advisor
Registered Energy Advisor (REA), an independent third-party, will come to your property and conduct a thorough basement-to-attic assessment before you begin your renovation. This assessment is meant to measure your home’s current energy use to create a customized report that explains which upgrades can improve your home’s energy efficiency.
You Must Have at Least 2 Energy-Efficient Upgrades
In order to be eligible for the rebates incentive, you must complete at least two upgrades from the ones we highlighted above, though the more, the merrier. All renovations must be completed within 120 days of the initial assessment to be eligible.
You Can only Apply for Rebates Once per Household
We recommend you undertake as many renovation upgrades in one project as possible because you can only qualify to apply for the Home Energy Rebate program once per household. This condition also means that the homeowner must agree to not apply for another energy-efficient rebate program through a company that’s not Enbridge Gas between the initial assessment and the final assessment.
LEARN MORE: Home Efficiency Rebate Program
If you’re looking for a great value on your basement renovation, contact us and we’ll assist you with your application and renovate your property according to Enbridge Gas’s rebate regulations. We are recommended for energy-efficient basement renovations and we will guarantee you maximum rebates on your renovation project.